What Are Some Remedies For Reflux In Babies?

If you’re wondering what causes reflux in infants or Googling “My newborn has reflux. What can I do?” in the middle of the night, you’re certainly not alone. Reflux in babies is a common concern, and understanding its causes, symptoms, and remedies can help you manage this condition effectively.

What Is Reflux In Babies?

Reflux occurs when the contents of the stomach, such as milk or formula, flow back up into the oesophagus. This can happen as a baby's oesophagus is not fully developed at birth, making it easier for food to travel back up. 

There are different types of reflux, including general reflux, acid reflux, and silent reflux. Acid reflux in newborns involves stomach acid irritating the oesophagus, while silent reflux occurs without the typical symptoms of vomiting or spitting up, making it harder to detect.

    Symptoms Of Reflux In Infants

    Common symptoms of reflux in babies include spitting up, coughing, irritability during feeding, and poor weight gain. It's normal for babies to spit up occasionally, but frequent or severe symptoms may indicate reflux. Newborn silent reflux, though less visible, may present as discomfort, irritability, or trouble feeding. If your baby is showing any symptoms of reflux, visit your GP to rule out other conditions and get personalised advice.

      What Causes Reflux in Babies?

      Reflux in newborns is primarily caused by an underdeveloped lower oesophageal sphincter, the muscle that closes off the stomach from the oesophagus. Since this muscle isn’t fully mature at birth, it can allow breastmilk or formula to travel back up, leading to reflux. Over time, as the digestive system matures, these symptoms typically decrease.

      When Does Reflux Start In Babies?

      Reflux typically starts before a baby reaches two or three months of age and is often at its peak during this period. Most babies outgrow reflux by their first birthday as their digestive system matures.

      Will My Baby Grow Out Of Reflux?

      Babies tend to outgrow reflux as their digestive system matures. Management strategies are unlikely to be needed for the long term – they are ways to help get through a trying first few months.

        How Can I Help My Baby with Reflux?

        Looking for natural remedies for infant reflux? What works one time in soothing a refluxing baby may not always work the rest of the time. This can add to parents’ confusion in knowing what is sure to bring a state of calm to a refluxing baby.

        There are no hard and fast rules for helping a baby with reflux. During the early months, when reflux is more common, most parents develop a range of soothing skills. During unsettled periods, a variety of strategies and natural remedies for infant reflux can be used, either one at a time or in combination.

        Sometimes, it can help to stick with one strategy and try it for a while. For example, slowing feeding down for a few days, and then keeping the baby upright after feeding, elevating the change table, and so on. Too many changes at one time can lead to increased unsettledness, especially for babies with a more sensitive temperament, who are challenged by many differences all at once.

          Soothing Strategies For Reflux Care

          • When feeding your baby Bubs formula, hold them upright on your lap, facing outwards with their bottom against your tummy. Alternatively, the baby can be positioned upright in your arms, facing outwards with their chest against your shoulder. These simple strategies can help prevent excessive spit-up in newborns and infants.
          • Gentle rocking, jiggling or swaying whilst holding your baby may help.
          • Deep, warm baths and a massage afterwards. Take your time, and don’t rush this. The idea is to soothe and calm the baby, so it’s important to be in the right headspace first.
          • Place the baby in a pouch or pram and go for a walk.
          • Go for a drive. Avoid doing this when your baby is screaming, and you will be the driver. The distraction will be too risky.
          • Dress your baby in comfortable, loose clothing. Avoid wrapping them too tightly, check their nappy isn’t too restrictive and give them space to move freely.
          • Aim to hold your baby upright for 30 minutes after feeding. If they're bottle feeding, try to slow their feed times down to 30-40 minutes. This can help immensely with acid reflux in newborns.

          What Are Some Tips For Reflux Care?

          1. Keep an absorbent cloth close by at all times, especially after feeding.
          2. Try to keep your baby upright during feeds rather than laying them flat. Keep your baby upright for 30 minutes after they’ve fed.
          3. Burp your baby more frequently during feed times. If they fuss because you’ve temporarily stopped feeding, stand up and have a little walk around. Distraction can help.
          4. Slow your baby’s feedings down. Aim for at least 30 minutes if formula-feeding and even longer for breast-feeding.
          5. Elevate your baby’s change table so they’re not lying perfectly flat.
          6. Plan not to place your baby into their car seat and go for a drive immediately after they’ve fed.
          7. Avoid jiggling your baby and moving them vigorously after feeding. Wait a while to play the more active games you both enjoy.
          8. Avoid overfeeding your baby. Reflux is more likely to occur when the baby’s stomach is over-distended with milk. Smaller amounts of milk, more often, may be better tolerated than larger volumes less frequently.
          9. Understand that your baby’s reflux is not under your control. With time, most babies outgrow refluxing behaviour, and their digestion matures to the point where reflux has resolved. In the meantime, managing their symptoms with changes in position can make a big difference.

          What Shouldn’t I Do When My Baby Has Reflux?

          You must always follow safe sleeping recommendations. Healthcare experts agree that the safest way for a baby to sleep is on their back.

          What If My Baby Vomits When They Are Lying Flat?

          Back sleeping is actually protective if a baby vomits. Healthy babies who sleep on their backs are less likely to choke on their vomit than babies who sleep on their tummy or their side. This is because the upper respiratory airways are positioned above the oesophagus, not underneath it.

          What Do We Know To Be True With Reflux Care?

          • Babies tend to outgrow reflux as their digestive system matures. Management strategies are unlikely to be needed for the long term – they are ways to help get through a trying first few months.
          • It can be dangerous to elevate a baby’s cot and/or use slings to keep them upright in their cot. Pillows, towels or blankets have no place in a baby’s cot. They are a suffocation risk.
          • Some days are better than others when it comes to reflux. For no obvious reason, a baby with reflux may seem to be improving, but the reflux symptoms return.
          • Most commonly, there is no link between a breastfeeding mother’s diet and her baby’s behaviour. However, some babies are sensitive to milk proteins in their mother’s diet. Speak with your healthcare professional if you’re concerned.
          • Overtiredness can seem to make reflux symptoms worse. Crying, fussiness, changes in feeding and general behaviour are all common symptoms in a baby who is overtired.
          • It’s important sometimes for parents to walk away and have a break. Give your baby to another trusted adult to care for temporarily, or place your baby in their cot and have a 5-10 minute break from each other.
          • Sometimes, babies don’t need much help to settle to sleep. After a short period of whinging, they can settle independently. Like adults, too much fussing when trying to relax can be intrusive.

          What’s Important With Reflux Care?

          • You’re trying. As long as love and a genuine sense of wanting the best for your baby are your motivating factors, you can feel confident that you’re doing all you can.  
          • You try to stay calm. Babies do ‘pick up’ on their parents’ emotions and tension. If you’re feeling stressed and anxious, chances are your baby will, too. Practise a state of calm mindfulness as you patiently care for your baby.
          • Your baby is still thriving. Rarely, reflux symptoms are a sign of more complex physical conditions. As long as your baby is well, gaining weight and healthy, it’s reasonable to feel confident they will outgrow their reflux behaviour.

          Speak with Your Healthcare Professional

          Sometimes reflux symptoms impact on the baby’s growth or their care. Medication can be prescribed if a baby is not thriving because of Gastro Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD). 

          Reflux medications can change the acidity of the stomach acid (pH) and also the timing of the stomach emptying. However, it’s important that medication is only given for babies who genuinely need it. There are protective benefits from the acidity of the stomach acid and altering this can lead to other digestive changes. Speak with your healthcare professional about what’s right for you and your baby.


          Always speak and check with a qualified nurse or healthcare professional about your baby to understand what your baby’s individual needs are, especially if you are ever concerned about your baby's well being.