When Is the Right Time to Transition Your Little One from Cot to Bed?
Ah, sleep. As parents, there’s nothing we crave more. So it’s no wonder making any changes around bedtime is daunting. Knowing exactly when to transition your little one from a cot to a bed is unique to every child, but timing certainly plays an important part. Attempting it too early can cause more challenges than necessary, so if you’re able to spot the signs your child is ready, the process will be a whole lot smoother. From suggested ages to practical tips, here’s everything you need to know about how to transition from cot to bed.
When to Transition from Cot to Bed
Like many things in parenthood, the best age to move from a cot to a bed can seem like one big guessing game. For some, the change can come as early as 18 months, while most moves occur between 2 and 3½ years of age. However, it’s important to remember that age isn’t the only indicator, and some children may not stick to the ‘typical’ timeline. The best age to move from a cot to a bed will depend on your child’s needs and your family’s circumstances. Generally, most experienced parents recommend waiting until your child is as close to 3 as possible. While it can be tempting to do it earlier (especially if there’s another baby on the way), it’s best not to rush the process.
Signs Your Child is Ready for a Big Kid Bed
- It could be time to transition your child from cot to bed if they are:
- Climbing out of the cot: If they’re attempting to or have climbed out of the cot (despite your best efforts to keep them in), it’s time to move for safety reasons.
- Outgrowing their cot: If their legs are hanging out or they’re feeling restricted, a bed will be more comfortable.
- Sleeping well through the night: If they’re already sleeping well in a cot, they’ll be less likely to wake through the night once asleep (even if they test the limits beforehand).
- Communicating well: If your baby can talk and/or understand you, it will help you to implement rules and understanding around bedtime.
- Starting potty training: The ability to get up and go to the toilet will encourage use and fewer accidents.
- Asking for a big kid bed: Showing interest and willingness can make the process more exciting and successful.
Signs Your Child is Not Ready for a Toddler Bed
A big tip from parents who’ve already been there? Don’t rush it! Here are some signs your child is not ready for a toddler bed.
- Frequently waking up through the night: If they already have broken sleep, moving to a big bed may only make problems worse.
- They fear the change: If the idea of a big bed scares them, don’t force it.
- Lack of interest in a new bed: Moving to a bigger bed should be fun and exciting. If they show no interest in picking one out or choosing bedding, it could be a sign they’re not ready.
- They struggle with communication: If they’re unable to understand basic instructions or know right from wrong, the transition will be more challenging.
How to Transition from Cot to Bed
Here are some top tips to keep in mind once it’s time to begin the transition:
- Prep for change: Keep your child involved in the process, ask about their needs, let them help set the bed up and talk about it often.
- Keep routines consistent: Try not to introduce the change when other big milestones are happening. Having an established feed, play, sleep routine will help.
- Gradual transition strategies: Keep the cot as an option and introduce the big bed slowly. Start by using it for daytime play or naps before attempting it at night.
- Positive reinforcement and encouragement: Offer praise when they do well or start a sticker/reward chart.
- Handling setbacks and challenges: It’s ok to go back to the cot if things aren’t working. If safety isn’t an issue, you can always try again later. It’s important not to transition your bub before they’re ready and, if it’s possible to keep their cot free until they’re comfortable, do so. If the cot isn’t an option, try a toddler clock or other visual cues and incentives to encourage your little one to stay in bed.
Lastly, trust your instincts. You know your child best, and if they’re showing signs of readiness, give the big bed a go. Timing is important, but it’s rarely ever toddler tantrum-free. If you need more tailored help or tips on how to transition from cot to bed, speak to your GP or medical professional, who can offer advice more specific to your child.